The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP), a mutual insurance company owned by Norwegian municipalities and public health enterprises. KLP is Norway’s largest pension company, and KLP Eiendom manages KLP’s direct long-term real estate investments.
Read more about KLP.

KLP Eiendom has over 180 employees at the company’s offices in Oslo, Trondheim, Stockholm and Copenhagen, including operating technicians. We are a vertically integrated real estate company, handling property and technical management as well as development project management.

Our strategy is to acquire, own, manage and develop modern, flexible commercial properties located around transportation hubs in the biggest Scandinavian cities.

The real estate sector has a large negative impact on the environment. We take our responsibility seriously to reduce our environmental footprint through reduction of energy consumption and waste from our buildings, and through constructing new buildings as sustainably as possible. As part of KLP, we are committed to the UN Global Compact corporate sustainability initiative.

We create meeting places where people thrive

Our mission is to create spaces where people can flourish and realize their full potential, both today and for the days to come.
We wish to be known for accomplishing strong and sustainable projects which solve local challenges.
We do this by being Open, Transparent, Responsible and Engaged in our interactions with customers and colleagues.

KLP Eiendom in figures (Q3 2024):

Gross property value: 95 bn NOK   
Gross annual rental income: 4,7 bn NOK             
Gross leasable area: 2.4 million sqm   
BREEAM-NOR certified properties: 16

2 DGNB certified

Organisation number: 988 394 750
Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00


Postal address:
KLP Eiendom
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo



Ellen Langeggen

Administrerende direktør

Tlf: 907 53 022

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